lct.lmn: (C) Copyright 2005 Peri Hankey ( This source text is published under the terms of the Gnu General Program License. It comes with absolutely no warranty.
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Warning: this ruleset crashes when used in versions previous to languagemachine-0.2.1. It encounters an obscure buglet in the treatment of rules which burrow down into the values of bindings - ie where the left-side of a rule tries to do detailed analysis of this kind: a :free :lambda :A :free :lambda :B (but not necessarily in that particular case).
This ruleset compiles programs in the lambda calculus into lmn rules that can be executed in an environment created by the corresponding lcm ruleset.
getting started
.lambda(1000R) start var X = "?"; var An = 0; var Rn = 0; var N = 0; first body eof <- eof; - <- first '\n';
We have finished when we get eof. We apply code generator rules to anything wrapped between generate and output. Anything that is not recognised is treated as an error - a line is skipped and analysis restarts on the next line. The following experiments are implemented:
.lambda(0B) eof <- body generate postlude eoc eof; generate output <- eof - ; generate output <- body - ; generate output <- unit - ;
- unit <- body - ;
eof <- unit eof; - { line var Z; } <- unit generate sp "E " $(format("line %s", varLn(N))) nl eoc; - term :X ";" <- unit generate analyse X eoc;
the lambda notation
The lambda notation analyser recognises a term, and receives the packaged representation of the term and a list of variable references. Code generator rules then analyse the variable references so as to extract the free variables. The notation used is minimal: '\' or '^' is used for lambda, each lambda has just one argument, and so there is no need for a '.' to separate the argument from the term in which it is bound. Alphanumeric and numeric identifiers are used as variables.
.lambda(0B) '(' term :B ")" <- opnd :{ b :B }; '(' lmI term :B ")" <- opnd :B;
- term :B <- lmx term :B; '\\' iden :X lmx term :B <- lmx term :{ lx :X :B }; '^' iden :X lmx term :B <- lmx term :{ lx :X :B }; '\\' iden :X lmx term :B <- lmX term :{ lx :X :B }; '^' iden :X lmx term :B <- lmX term :{ lx :X :B };
- term :B <- lmi term :B; '\\' iden :X lmi term :B <- lmi term :{ li :X :B }; '^' iden :X lmi term :B <- lmi term :{ li :X :B }; '\\' iden :X lmi term :B <- lmI term :{ li :X :B }; '^' iden :X lmi term :B <- lmI term :{ li :X :B };
.lambda() - <- op term :A; - opnd :A op <- term - ; - opnd :B <- op opnd :{ a :A :B };
- <- eq opnd :{ x :A };
.lambda(2L) - iden :A eq term :B <- term :B;
.lambda(4L) '=' lmx term :B <- eq term :{ d :A :B }; '()' <- opnd :{ x :"nil" };
.lambda(20R) analyse lambda :X <- code - compile X ;
internal representation
d :A :B <- code - A ' <- ' B sc; x :A <- code - us A sp; n :A <- code - A sp; v :A <- code - A sp; b :B <- code - '(' sp B ')' sp; ab :A :B <- code - A '(' sp B ')' sp; a :A :B <- code - A B; lx :X :B <- code - '\\' X sp B; li :X :B <- code - '\\' X sp B;
analysis for free variables
b :free :B <- free :{ b :B }; lx :A :free :B <- free :{ lx :A :B }; li :A :free :B <- free :{ li :A :B }; a :free :A :free :B <- free :{ a :A :B }; x :A <- free -{ if(X == A) { free :{v :(format("V%s", A)) }} else { free :{x :A}}}; v :A <- free :{ v :A; }; n :A <- free :{ n :A; };
outer level
d :A :lambda :B <- lambda :{ d :A :B }; lx :X var M = Rn++; var N = Rn; :free :lambda :B <- lambda :{ lx :(format("V%s", X)) :B }; li :X var M = Rn++; var N = Rn; :free :lambda :B <- lambda :{ li :(format("V%s", X)) :B }; x :A <- lambda :{ x :A }; n :A <- lambda :{ n :A }; v :A <- lambda :{ v :A }; b :free :lambda :A <- lambda :{ b :A }; a :free :lambda :A :free :lambda :B <- lambda :{ a :A :B };
compile var Name = "_lm"; cz :X <- code - sp X ; - cc :P :B <- cz :{ P az :{ B } };
- cc :P :B <- cd :{ P us Name sp to cr :B sc nl }; d var Rn = 0; :Name :cc :P :B <- cz :{ P us Name sp to cr :B sc nl }; d var Rn = 0; :Name :cd :P :B <- cz :{ P nl };
- <- args :V :{ V cV :X };
- cc :P :B <- ilx :{ P us Name sp V cF to cr :{ cf :Name :V :B } sc sp } :{ us Name sp }; lx :X args :U :V :ilx :Q :L <- ilx :{ Q } :L;
- cc :P :B <- ili :{ P us Name us N sp V cF to cr :{ ci :Name :N :V :B } sc sp } :{ us Name us N sp }; li :X args :U :V :ili :Q :L <- ili :{ Q } :L;
lx :X var N = Rn++; args :U :V :ilx :Q :L <- cd :{ P Q } :{ L }; li :X var N = Rn++; args :U :V :ili :P :B <- cc :{ P Q } :{ cl :Name :N :U :B };
x :A <- cc :{ } :{ cx :A }; n :A <- cc :{ } :{ cn :A }; v :A <- cc :{ } :{ cv :A }; a :cc :P :A :cc :Q :B <- cc :{ P Q } :{ bk :{ ca :A :B }}; a :cc :P :A :cc :Q :B <- cc :{ P Q } :{ ca :A :B }; b var P = {}; :cc :P :A <- cc :{ P } :{ cb :A };
cF <- code - 'a' sp ; cF <- code - ; ct :X <- code - '\'' X '\'' sp ; cf :X :V :A <- code - 'f' sp co us X sp co bk :{ cW V } co bk :A ; ci :X :N :V :A <- code - 'f' sp co us X us N sp co bk :{ cW V } co bk :A ; cl :X :N :V :A <- code - 'l' sp co us X us N sp co bk :{ cW V };
cx :A <- code - us A sp; cn :A <- code - us A sp; cv :A <- code - A sp;
cW <- code - ; cW cV :A <- code - A sp cW;
cX <- code - ; cX cV :A <- code - 'x' sp co A sp; cX cb :A <- code - 'b' sp co bk :A; cX cn :A <- code - 'x' sp co us A sp; cX cx :A <- code - 'x' sp co us A sp;
cV :A <- code - 'y' sp co A sp; ca :A :B <- code - A cX B ; cb :A <- code - 'b' sp co bk :A ;
bk :A <- code - '{' sp A '}' sp; az :X <- code - 'a' $(An++) sp to cr :X sc nl; cr :X <- code - 'r' sp co bk :X sp ; cr :X <- code - 'r' sp X ;
postlude <- code - sp "-" sp "<-" sp eval { for(var I = 0; I < An; I++) { sp 'e' sp co 'a' I sp "\'\\n\'" }} " unit eof" sc;
the output generator
We use an extra level of nesting to ensure that code generation takes place entirely within a high priority context so that spaces and newlines are not thrown away by the space deletion rules. An alternative approach is to place code generator rules in a different grammar, and have a rule that switches into that grammar to do code generation.
- code <- output;
The code generator operates as a filter: anything that cannot be matched is sent to standard output. This will ap until the eoc is seen, matched, provides code, and gets us out of the code generator context.
eoc <- code; - out <- code - ;
say eom <- code -; - out <- eom -;
us <- code - '_' ; to <- code - '<- ' ; co <- code - ':' ; pt <- code - '.' ; sc <- code - ';\n' ; sp <- code - ' ' ; nl <- code - '\n' ; nlsp <- code - '\n ' ;
the lexical rules
This is a fairly useful collection of lexical rules for small experiments - they coould be kept in a separate source file and included or combined at compile time. Lexical rules are at a higher left-associative (non-nesting) priority
Ignore whitespace and recognise an end-of-command condition:
'--' line <- - ; // haskell style comments in line '\n' { repeat .[^\n] } <- - ; // wiki mode - any line is wiki text '\n ' <- - ; // unless it starts with a space .[ \t\r] <- - ; // ignore whitespace
Recognise atoms:
'.' <- "."; ')' <- ")";
';' <- ";"; '=' <- "=";
Recognise identifiers and numbers
.[a-zA-Z0-9] % { repeat .[a-zA-Z_0-9] % } toSym :N <- iden :N; .[a-zA-Z_] % { repeat .[a-zA-Z_0-9] % } toSym :N <- opnd :{ x :N }; '0' % { repeat .[0-7] % } octal yes toOct :N <- opnd :{ n :N }; .[0-9] % { repeat .[0-9] % } { option '.' % repeat [0-9] % } toNum :N <- opnd :{ n :N }; '0x' .[0-9a-zA-Z] % { repeat .[0-9a-zA-Z] % } { option '.' % repeat [0-9] % } toHex :N <- opnd :{ n :N }; '0b' .[01] % { repeat .[01] % } toBin :N <- opnd :{ n :N };
.lambda() - <- octal yes; '.' <- octal no ; 'x' <- octal no ; 'b' <- octal no ;
Rules to skip the rest of a line
- anything <- line - ; eof <- line eof; '\n' <- line ;
