© Copyright 2005 Peri Hankey - documentation license Gnu FDL - code license Gnu GPL - validate HTML
SourceForge.net Logo D-to-D translator frontend

This is the source text of the frontend of a translator that translates D language source to D. This is not a terribly useful exercise, although it does do a certain amount of pretty-printing, and could do more. The aim was

These rules have to be combined with a backend to do anythin useful - the D-to-D backend is what actually regenerates D language source text from the fairly complete analysis done by the frontend. So this could stand as a frontend to other backends, a process which would almost certainly produces places where more has to be done, or where things have to be done differently.

The D-to-D translator has been tested

In each case the resulting source was compiled and tested, though not in the case of DMDscript to any great extent. For the language machine, the resulting sources were used to build a new instance of the language machine, and that was used to repeat the process so as to obtain an identical result.

 // ******************************* d language analyser front end *********************************
 // *********  (c) Copyright Peri Hankey 2005. Distribution licensed under GNU GPLv2    ***********
 .d()   // top level - rules applied when looking for end of file
   - unit compile   !                                   <- eof - ;
   - stat :X                                            <- unit X             code ;
   "module" modulename :N ";"                           <- unit module :N eoc code ;
   - name:M       repeat "." pathname:M                 <- modulename    :M ;
   - name:N                                             <- pathname      :{ path :M :N };
   - modulename:N repeat "," modulename:N               <- modulenames   :{ each N  };
   - decldef:A                                          <- stat          :{ unit:A };
   - exec:A                                             <- stat          :{ unit:A };
   symbol :S ":" labelled:X                             <- stat          :{ label:{sy:S} X } ;
   -                                                    <- labelled :{}  ;
   ";"                                                  <- labelled :eoc ;
   ";"                                                  <- decldef       :{ } ;
   "import"    modulenames:N ";"                        <- decldef       :{ import  :N eoc } ;
   "public"    prag:D                                   <- decldef       :{ prot :public    :D };
   "protected" prag:D                                   <- decldef       :{ prot :protected :D };
   "private"   prag:D                                   <- decldef       :{ prot :private   :D };
   "pragma" "(" name:N { repeat "," arg:P } ")" prag:X  <- decldef       :{ xpragma :N :{ each P } :X } ;
   ":"                                                  <- prag          :prag;
   ";"                                                  <- prag          :eoc;
   - stat:X                                             <- prag          :{ X };
   "{" { repeat stat:X } "}"                            <- prag          :{ st:{each X } };
   -                                                    <- debugArg      :{             };
   "(" expr:N ")"                                       <- debugArg      :{ debugarg :N };
   -                                                    <- alt           :{        };
   "else" maybe :S                                      <- alt           :{ alt :S };
   - stat:X                                             <- maybe         :X;
   "{" { repeat stat:X } "}"                            <- maybe         :{ st :{each X } };
   "debug"   debugArg:D      maybe:S alt:A              <- decldef       :{ xdebug   :D :S :A };
   "version" "(" expr:V ")"  maybe:S alt:A              <- decldef       :{ xversion :V :S :A };
   "mixin" name:T mixargs:A  optName:M  ";"             <- decldef       :{ xmixin   :T :A :M }; 
   -                                                    <- mixargs       :{           };
   "!" "(" formals:P ")"                                <- mixargs       :{ mixargs:P };    
   "typedef" decl:A                                     <- decldef       :{ typedef :A } ;
   "alias"   decl:A                                     <- decldef       :{ alias   :A } ;
   - decl:A                                             <- decldef       :A ;
   "struct" structname :N types :T structbody :B        <- decldef       :{ struct :N :T :B } ;
   "union"  structname :N types :T structbody :B        <- decldef       :{ union  :N :T :B } ;
   -                                                    <- structname    :anonymous;
   - name:N                                             <- structname    :N;
   "enum" enumbody :B                                   <- decldef       :{ enum0 :B       } ;
   "enum" enumname :N enumtype :T  enumbody  :B         <- decldef       :{ enum1 :N :T :B } ;
   - name :N                                            <- enumname      :N ;
   - basictype :T ":" enumbody :B                       <- enumname      :anonymous enumtype:T enumbody:B ;
   ":" basictype :T                                     <- enumtype      :T;
   -                                                    <- enumtype      :"int";
   "{" { repeat enummember:D option "," } "}"           <- enumbody      :{ enumbody :{ each D } } ;
   ";"                                                  <- enumbody      :enumdecl;
   - name:N initenum:E                                  <- enummember    :{ N E };
   -                                                    <- initenum      :{ N };
   "class"     name :N types :T superclasses :H classbody :B        <- decldef       :{ classdef     :N :T :H :B } ;
   "interface" name :N types :T superfaces :H   interfacebody :B    <- decldef       :{ interfacedef :N :T :H :B } ;
   "template" name:N "(" tparams:T ")" body:B           <- decldef       :{ template :N :T :B } ;
   - repeat tparam:T option ","                         <- tparams       :{ each T };
   "alias" typename:T                      specialise:S <- tparam        :{ tparamA  :T :S       };
   -       typename:T                      specialise:S <- tparam        :{ tparamT  :T :S       };
   -       basictype:T declarator :D :E :N initassign:I <- tparam        :{ tparamV  :T :D :N :I };
   -                                                    <- specialise    :{                  };
   ":"     basictype:T  declarator2 :D                  <- specialise    :{ specialise :T :D };
   -                                                    <- types         :{ };
   "(" formals :T ")"                                   <- types         :{ types :T };
   -                                                    <- superclasses  :{ };
   ":" superclass:S repeat "," superface:S              <- superclasses  :{ supers :{ each S }};
   -                                                    <- superfaces    :{ };
   ":" superface:S  repeat "," superface:S              <- superfaces    :{ supers :{ each S }};
   - name:N repeat typepath:N                           <- superclass    :{ superclass :{ each N }};
   - name:N repeat typepath:N                           <- superface     :{ superface  :{ each N }};
   ";"                                                  <- structbody    :{        } ;
   "{"  { repeat decldef:D } "}"                        <- structbody    :{ each D } ;
   "{"  { repeat decldef:D } "}"                        <- classbody     :{ each D } ;
   "{"  { repeat decldef:D } "}"                        <- interfacebody :{ each D } ;
   "this"     "(" params:P ")" body:B                   <- decldef       :{ ctor :P :B } ;
   "~" "this" "(" params:P ")" body:B                   <- decldef       :{ dtor :P :B } ;
   -                                                    <- linkage       :{ };
   "(" name:N ")"                                       <- linkage       :{ linkage :N };
   "extern"   linkage :L prag :D                        <- decldef       :{ extern           :L :D };
   "static"     "assert"   "(" expr:E ")"   ";"         <- decldef       :{ staticassert     :E    };
   "static"     "this"     "(" params:P ")" body:B      <- decldef       :{ staticCtor       :P :B };
   "static" "~" "this"     "(" params:P ")" body:B      <- decldef       :{ staticDtor       :P :B };
   "new"                   "(" params:P ")" body:B      <- decldef       :{ classallocator   :P :B } ;
   "delete"                "(" params:P ")" body:B      <- decldef       :{ classdeallocator :P :B };
   "invariant"                              body:B      <- decldef       :{ classinvariant   :B };
   "unittest"                               body:B      <- decldef       :{ utest            :B } ;
   "abstract"                                           <- storageclass  :abstract;
   "auto"                                               <- storageclass  :auto;
   "const"                                              <- storageclass  :const;
   "deprecated"                                         <- storageclass  :deprecated;
   "final"                                              <- storageclass  :final;
   "override"                                           <- storageclass  :override;
   "static"                                             <- storageclass  :static;
   "synchronized"                                       <- storageclass  :synchronized;
   "." pathname:P                                       <- typepath      :{ N P };
   "!" "(" formals:S ")"                                <- typepath      :{ N { templateInstance :{} :S }};
   -   name:N repeat typepath:N                         <- typename      :N;
   "." typename:N                                       <- basictype     :{ typename :{ "." N} };
   -   typename:N                                       <- basictype     :{ typename :N        };
   -   primitivetype:T                                  <- basictype     :{ ty:T };
   "typeof" "(" expr:E ")"                              <- basictype     :{ typeof :E };
   "bit"                                                <- primitivetype :"bit" ;
   "byte"                                               <- primitivetype :"byte" ;
   "ubyte"                                              <- primitivetype :"ubyte" ;
   "short"                                              <- primitivetype :"short" ;
   "ushort"                                             <- primitivetype :"ushort" ;
   "int"                                                <- primitivetype :"int"  ;
   "uint"                                               <- primitivetype :"uint" ;
   "long"                                               <- primitivetype :"long" ;
   "ulong"                                              <- primitivetype :"ulong" ;
   "char"                                               <- primitivetype :"char" ;
   "wchar"                                              <- primitivetype :"wchar" ;
   "dchar"                                              <- primitivetype :"dchar" ;
   "float"                                              <- primitivetype :"float" ;
   "double"                                             <- primitivetype :"double" ;
   "real"                                               <- primitivetype :"real" ;
   "ifloat"                                             <- primitivetype :"ifloat" ;
   "idouble"                                            <- primitivetype :"idouble" ;
   "ireal"                                              <- primitivetype :"ireal" ;
   "cfloat"                                             <- primitivetype :"cfloat" ;
   "cdouble"                                            <- primitivetype :"cdouble" ;
   "creal"                                              <- primitivetype :"creal"  ;
   "void"                                               <- primitivetype :"void" ;
   "{"  { repeat decldef:D } "}"                        <- decl          :{ st:{ each D } };
   - storageclass:S decl:D                              <- decl          :{ storageclass :S :D  } ;
   - basictype:T    declarator :A :B :N declaration :D  <- decl          :D ;
   "*"                                                  <- basictype2    :{ star } ;
   "[" "]"                                              <- basictype2    :{ row  } ;
   "[" expr:E "]"                                       <- basictype2    :{ dim      :E } ;
   "[" type:T "]"                                       <- basictype2    :{ aaa      :T } ;
   "delegate" "(" formals:P ")"                         <- basictype2    :{ xdelegate :P } ;
   "function" "(" formals:P ")"                         <- basictype2    :{ xfunction :P } ;
   "[" "]"                                              <- declsuffix    :{ row         } :{};
   "[" expr:E "]"                                       <- declsuffix    :{ dim :E      } :{};
   "[" type:T "]"                                       <- declsuffix    :{ aaa :T      } :{};
   "(" params:P ")"                                     <- declsuffix    :{} :{ fun :P      };
   -                                                    <- declsuffixes  :{}      :W;
   - declsuffix :V :W declsuffixes :X :Y                <- declsuffixes  :{ V }   :{ Y };
   - basictype:T declarator2:B                          <- type          :{ T B };
   -                                                    <- declarator2   :{ } ;
   - basictype2 :B declarator2 :D                       <- declarator2   :{ B D } ;
   "(" declarator2 :D ")" declsuffixes :X :Y            <- declarator2   :{ tb :D X Y } ;
   - basictype2 :B declarator :D :E :N                  <- declarator    :{ B D }           :E :N  ;
   - name :N  declsuffixes :X :Y                        <- declarator    :{ X }             :Y :N  ;
   "(" declarator :D :E :N  ")" declsuffixes :X :Y      <- declarator    :{ tb :{ D E N } } :Y :{} ;
   - repeat param :S option ","                         <- params        :{ each S } ;
   - repeat formal:S option ","                         <- formals       :{ each S } ;
   - name:N                                             <- optName       :N;
   -                                                    <- optName       :{};
   - basictype:T       declarator2 :D optName :N        <- formal        :{ formal0          :T :D :N };
   "in"    basictype:T declarator2 :D optName :N        <- formal        :{ formal1 :"in"    :T :D :N };
   "out"   basictype:T declarator2 :D optName :N        <- formal        :{ formal1 :"out"   :T :D :N };
   "inout" basictype:T declarator2 :D optName :N        <- formal        :{ formal1 :"inout" :T :D :N };
   "..."                                                <- param         :{ varargs };
   - basictype:T       declarator  :D :E :N initparam:I <- param         :{ param0           :T :D :N :I };
   "in"    basictype:T declarator  :D :E :N initparam:I <- param         :{ param1  :"in"    :T :D :N :I } ;
   "out"   basictype:T declarator  :D :E :N initparam:I <- param         :{ param1  :"out"   :T :D :N :I } ;
   "inout" basictype:T declarator  :D :E :N initparam:I <- param         :{ param1  :"inout" :T :D :N :I } ;
   - initdecl :X { repeat "," name :N initial :X } ";"  <- declaration   :{ each X eoc };
   ";"                                                  <- declaration   :{ declare :T :A :B :N eoc };
   "{" { repeat stat:X } "}"                            <- declaration   :{ define  :T :A :B :N :{ each X }};
   "in"  body :I              ocontract :R bcontract :X <- declaration :{ cdefine :T :A :B :N :{ contracts :"in"  :{}:I :R :X }};
   "out" outresult :V body :R icontract :I bcontract :X <- declaration :{ cdefine :T :A :B :N :{ contracts :"out" :V :R :I :X }};
   "body"outresult :V body :R                           <- declaration :{ cdefine :T :A :B :N :{ contracts :"body":{}:{}:{}:X }};
   "=" expr:E                                           <- initassign    :{ E };
   -                                                    <- initdecl      :{ declare  :T :A :B :N    };
   - initassign :E                                      <- initdecl      :{ initdecl :T :A :B :N :E };
   -                                                    <- initial       :{ decl :N    };
   - initassign:E                                       <- initial       :{ init :N :E };
   -                                                    <- initparam     :{ dParam    };
   - initassign:E                                       <- initparam     :{ iParam :E };
   -                                                    <- initenum      :{ dEnum    };
   - initassign:E                                       <- initenum      :{ iEnum :E };
   "if"      "(" expr:E ")" cond:A  alts:B              <- exec :{ xif      :E :A :B    };
   "do"      repeated:B     "while" "(" expr:E ")"      <- exec :{ xdo      :E :B       };
   "while"   "(" expr:E ")"                 repeated:B  <- exec :{ xwhile   :E :B       };
   "for"     "(" init  :I test:E next:N ")" repeated:B  <- exec :{ xfor     :I :E :N :B };
   "foreach" "(" eachtypes:I ";" expr:E ")" repeated:B  <- exec :{ xforeach :I :E :B    };
   "switch" "(" expr:E ")"   body:B                     <- exec :{ xswitch  :E :B } ;
   "case" expr:E {repeat "," expr:E} ":" repeat stat:S  <- exec :{ xcase    :{ each E } :{ each S } } ;
   "default" ":"  repeat stat:S                         <- exec :{ xdefault :{ each S }};
   "continue" ";"                                       <- exec :{ xcont0       eoc } ;
   "continue" name:N ";"                                <- exec :{ xcont1  :N   eoc } ;
   "break" ";"                                          <- exec :{ xbreak0      eoc } ;
   "break" name:N ";"                                   <- exec :{ xbreak1 :N   eoc } ;
   "return" ";"                                         <- exec :{ xreturnZ     eoc } ;
   "return" expr:E  ";"                                 <- exec :{ xreturnE :E  eoc} ;
   "goto" name:N ";"                                    <- exec :{ xgoName  :N  eoc } ;
   "goto" "default" ";"                                 <- exec :{ xgodefault   eoc } ;
   "goto" "case" ";"                                    <- exec :{ xgocase0     eoc } ;
   "goto" "case" expr:E ";"                             <- exec :{ xgocase1 :E  eoc } ;
   "with" "(" expr:X ")"  body:B                        <- exec :{ xwithB :X :B } ;
   "with" "(" name:X ")"  body:B                        <- exec :{ xwithN :X :B } ;
   "with" "(" templateinstance:X ")" body:B             <- exec :{ xwithT :X :B } ;
   "synchronized" stat:S                                <- exec :{ xsync0 :S    } ;
   "synchronized" "(" expr:E  ")" stat:S                <- exec :{ xsync1 :E :S } ;
   "try" exec:B catches:C lastcatch:L finalcatch:F      <- exec :{ xtry :B :C :L :F } ;
   -                                                    <- finalcatch :{ };
   "finally" exec:F                                     <- finalcatch :{ finally :B };
   "catch" "(" param:P ")" exec:B                       <- catcher    :{ catch1  :P :B };
   -                                                    <- lastcatch  :{} ;
   "catch" exec:B                                       <- lastcatch  :{ catch0  :B } ;
   - repeat catcher:C                                   <- catches:{ each C };
   "throw" expr:E  ";"                                  <- exec:{ xthrow    :E eoc } ;
   "volatile" stat:S                                    <- exec:{ xvolatile :S } ;
   "asm"  "{" { repeat asm:A ";" }  "}"                 <- exec:{ asmblock :{ each A } } ;
   -                                                    <- asm :{ };
   - asmitem:A { repeat asmitem :A }                    <- asm :{ asmstat  :{ each A eoc } };    
   ","                                                  <- asmitem :comma ;
   "[" { repeat asmitem :A  } "]"                       <- asmitem :{ "[" each A "]" };
   "(" { repeat asmitem :A  } ")"                       <- asmitem :{ "(" each A ")" };
   symbol:X                                             <- asmitem :{ asmitem :{ sy :X         }} ;
   number:X                                             <- asmitem :{ asmitem :{ nm :X         }} ;
   squote:X repeat squote:X                             <- asmitem :{ asmitem :{ sq :{ each X }}} ;
   dquote:X repeat dquote:X                             <- asmitem :{ asmitem :{ dq :{ each X }}} ;
   -                                                    <- icontract:{                         };
   "in"   body:B                                        <- icontract:{ contract :"in"   :{} :B };
   -                                                    <- ocontract:{                         };
   "out"  outresult:R body:B                            <- ocontract:{ contract :"out"  :R  :B };
   "body" body:B                                        <- bcontract:{ contract :"body" :{} :B };
   "in"   body:I             ocontract:A bcontract:B    <- exec :{ contracts :"in"   :{} :I :A :B };
   "out"  outresult:R body:B icontract:A bcontract:B    <- exec :{ contracts :"out"  :R  :B :A :B };
   "body" body:B                                        <- exec :{ contract :"body"  :{} :B };
   -                                                    <- outresult:{             };
   "(" name:N ")"                                       <- outresult:{ outresult:N };
   - stat:B                                             <- cond :B;
   "else"   stat:B                                      <- alts :{ xelse  :B };
   "else" "if" "(" expr:E ")" cond:B alts:C             <- alts :{ xelsif :E :B :C };
   -                                                    <- alts :{ xelsez };
   - stat:B                                             <- repeated: B ;
   ";"                                                  <- repeated:{ };
   "{" { repeat stat:X } "}"                            <- body :{ each X };
   "{" { repeat stat:X } "}"                            <- exec :{ st :{ each X }};
   - lvalue expr:A ";"                                  <- exec :{ A eoc  };
   "("       lvalue                                     <- lvalue "(" ;
   "*"                                                  <- lvalue "*" ;
   "--"                                                 <- lvalue "--" ;
   "++"                                                 <- lvalue "++" ;
   "cast"                                               <- lvalue "cast" ;
   "this"                                               <- lvalue "this" ;
   "super"                                              <- lvalue "super" ;
   "new"                                                <- lvalue "new" ;
   "delete"                                             <- lvalue "delete" ;
   "assert"                                             <- lvalue "assert" ;
   "version"                                            <- lvalue symbol :"version" ;
   symbol                                               <- lvalue symbol ;
   - expr:X ";"                                                                     <- init:{ X } ;
   - basictype:T declarator :A :B :N initdecl:X { repeat "," name:N initial:X } ";" <- init:{ each X } ;
   ";"                                                                              <- init:{ } ;
   - eachtype :D repeat "," eachtype :D        <- eachtypes:{ each D };
   -       basictype:T declarator :A :B :N     <- eachtype :{ eachtyp0          :T :A :B :N };
   "in"    basictype:T declarator :A :B :N     <- eachtype :{ eachtyp1 :"in"    :T :A :B :N };
   "out"   basictype:T declarator :A :B :N     <- eachtype :{ eachtyp1 :"out"   :T :A :B :N };
   "inout" basictype:T declarator :A :B :N     <- eachtype :{ eachtyp1 :"inout" :T :A :B :N };
   - expr:X ";"                                <- test :X  ;
   ";"                                         <- test :{} ;
   - expr:X                                    <- next :X  ;
   -                                           <- next :{} ;
   symbol:X                                    <- name :{ sy :X } ;
   name  :X                                    <- opnd :X;
   symbol:X                                    <- opnd :{ sy :X } ;
   number:X                                    <- opnd :{ nm :X } ;
   squote:X repeat squote:X                    <- opnd :{ sq :{ each X }} ;
   dquote:X repeat dquote:X                    <- opnd :{ dq :{ each X }} ;
   "this"                                      <- opnd :{ "this"  };
   "super"                                     <- opnd :{ "super" };
   "null"                                      <- opnd :{ "null"  };
   "true"                                      <- opnd :{ truth :"true"  };
   "false"                                     <- opnd :{ truth :"false" };
   - basictype:T "." name:N                    <- opnd :{ typeattribute :T :N };
   "typeid" "(" type:T ")"                     <- opnd :{ typeid        :T    };
   - opnd :A op                                <- expr - ;
   - expr:B                                    <- nest:{ B };
   "(" expr:B ")"                              <- opnd:{ br:B };
   "!" "(" formals:S ")"                       <- op opnd:{ templateInstance :A :S };
   -                                           <- op expr:A ;
   "(" args:B  ")"                             <- op opnd:{ fn :A :B };
   "[" indx:C "]"                              <- op opnd:{ C };
   "." name:B                                  <- op opnd:{ dot :A :B };
   "cast" "(" type :T ")" expr:B               <- opnd:{ cast :T :B } ;
   "(" type :T ")"    "." name:X               <- opnd:{ typeattribute :{ br :T } :X } ;
   "assert" "(" expr:B ")"                     <- opnd:{ assert :B } ;
   "function" body:B                           <- opnd:{ xfunction :"void" :{} :B };
   "function" "(" params:P ")"        body:B   <- opnd:{ xfunction :"void" :P  :B };
   "function" type:T "(" params:P ")" body:B   <- opnd:{ xfunction :T      :P  :B };
   "delegate" body:B                           <- opnd:{ xdelegate :"void" :{} :B };
   "delegate" "(" params:P ")"        body:B   <- opnd:{ xdelegate :"void" :P  :B };
   "delegate" type:T "(" params:P ")" body:B   <- opnd:{ xdelegate :T      :P  :B };
   "{" list:B "}"                              <- opnd:{ structinit :B };
   "[" list:B "]"                              <- opnd:{ arrayinit  :B };
   - repeat cell:E option ","                  <- list:{ each E };
   - expr:E cellvalue :X                       <- cell:X ;
   -                                           <- cellvalue :{ cellV    :E };
   ":" expr:E                                  <- cellvalue :{ cellN :N :E };
   ","   expr:B                    <- op opnd:{ "," :A :B };
   -                               <- indx:{ idx0 :A };
   - expr:B ind1:C                 <- indx:{ C };
   -                               <- ind1:{ idx :A :B    };
   ".." expr:C                     <- ind1:{ sli :A :B :C };
   -     expr:A                    <- arg :{ arg :A };
   -                               <- args:{        };
   -     arg:E repeat "," arg:E    <- args:{ each E };
   "="   expr:B                    <- op opnd:{ fa :"="   :A :B };
   "+="  expr:B                    <- op opnd:{ fa :"+="  :A :B };
   "-="  expr:B                    <- op opnd:{ fa :"-="  :A :B };
   "*="  expr:B                    <- op opnd:{ fa :"*="  :A :B };
   "/="  expr:B                    <- op opnd:{ fa :"/="  :A :B };
   "%="  expr:B                    <- op opnd:{ fa :"%="  :A :B };
   "&="  expr:B                    <- op opnd:{ fa :"&="  :A :B };
   "|="  expr:B                    <- op opnd:{ fa :"|="  :A :B };
   "^="  expr:B                    <- op opnd:{ fa :"^="  :A :B };
   "~="  expr:B                    <- op opnd:{ fa :"~="  :A :B };
   "<<=" expr:B                    <- op opnd:{ fa :"<<=" :A :B };
   ">>=" expr:B                    <- op opnd:{ fa :">>=" :A :B };
   ">>>="expr:B                    <- op opnd:{ fa :">>>=":A :B };
   "?"   nest:B ":" expr:C         <- op opnd:{ "?"  :A :B :C };
   "||"  expr:B                    <- op opnd:{ fl :"||" :A :B };
   "&&"  expr:B                    <- op opnd:{ fl :"&&" :A :B };
   "|"  expr:B                     <- op opnd:{ fb  :"|"  :A :B };
   "&"  expr:B                     <- op opnd:{ fb  :"&"  :A :B };
   "^"  expr:B                     <- op opnd:{ fb  :"^"  :A :B };
   "&"  expr:B                     <- op opnd:{ fb  :"&"  :A :B };
   "is"   expr:B                   <- op opnd:{ fq  :"is"   :A :B };
   "!is"   expr:B                  <- op opnd:{ fq  :"!is"  :A :B };
   "==="  expr:B                   <- op opnd:{ fq  :"is"   :A :B };
   "!=="  expr:B                   <- op opnd:{ fq  :"!is"  :A :B };
   "=="   expr:B                   <- op opnd:{ fe  :"=="   :A :B };
   "!="   expr:B                   <- op opnd:{ fe  :"!="   :A :B };
   "<"    expr:B                   <- op opnd:{ fc  :"<"    :A :B };
   ">"    expr:B                   <- op opnd:{ fc  :">"    :A :B };
   "<="   expr:B                   <- op opnd:{ fc  :"<="   :A :B };
   ">="   expr:B                   <- op opnd:{ fc  :">="   :A :B };
   "!<>=" expr:B                   <- op opnd:{ fc  :"!<>=" :A :B };
   "!<>"  expr:B                   <- op opnd:{ fc  :"!<>"  :A :B };
   "<>"   expr:B                   <- op opnd:{ fc  :"<>"   :A :B };
   "<>="  expr:B                   <- op opnd:{ fc  :"<>="  :A :B };
   "!>"   expr:B                   <- op opnd:{ fc  :"!>"   :A :B };
   "!>="  expr:B                   <- op opnd:{ fc  :"!>="  :A :B };
   "!<"   expr:B                   <- op opnd:{ fc  :"!<"   :A :B };
   "!<="  expr:B                   <- op opnd:{ fc  :"!<="  :A :B };
   "in"   expr:B                   <- op opnd:{ fc  :"in"   :A :B };
   "<<"   expr:B                   <- op opnd:{ fs  :"<<"   :A :B };
   ">>"   expr:B                   <- op opnd:{ fs  :">>"   :A :B };
   ">>>"  expr:B                   <- op opnd:{ fs  :">>>"  :A :B };
   "+"  expr:B                     <- op opnd:{ fx :"+"  :A :B };
   "-"  expr:B                     <- op opnd:{ fx :"-"  :A :B };
   "~"  expr:B                     <- op opnd:{ fs :"~"  :A :B };
   "*"  expr:B                     <- op opnd:{ fx :"*"  :A :B };
   "/"  expr:B                     <- op opnd:{ fx :"/"  :A :B };
   "%"  expr:B                     <- op opnd:{ fx :"%"  :A :B };
   "++"                            <- op opnd:{ post :inc :A };
   "--"                            <- op opnd:{ post :dec :A };
   "++" expr:B                     <- opnd   :{ pre  :inc :B };
   "--" expr:B                     <- opnd   :{ pre  :dec :B };
   "&"  expr:B                     <- opnd   :{ ur :ref   :B };
   "*"  expr:B                     <- opnd   :{ ur :deref :B };
   "-"  expr:B                     <- opnd   :{ ux :neg   :B };
   "+"  expr:B                     <- opnd   :{ ux :pos   :B };
   "!"  expr:B                     <- opnd   :{ ub :not   :B };
   "~"  expr:B                     <- opnd   :{ ub :inv   :B };
   "delete" expr:B                 <- opnd   :{ aa :del   :B };
   "new"    newexpr:B              <- opnd   :{ B };
   - basictype :T stars:S  newargs:A        <- newexpr :{ nu :T :S :A };
   -                                        <- newargs :{         };
   "[" newv:B "]" repeat "[" newv:B "]"     <- newargs :{ each B  };
   "(" args:B ")"                           <- newargs :{ args :B };
   -                                        <- newv    :{ newvec0    };
   - expr:B                                 <- newv    :{ newvec1 :B };
   - repeat star:S                          <- stars   :{ each S };
   "*"                                      <- star    :{ star };
 //    "new" basictype stars "[" assignexpression "]" declarator                      <- newexpression ;
 //    "new" basictype stars "(" argumentlist ")"                                     <- newexpression ;
 //    "new" basictype stars                                                          <- newexpression ;
 //    "new" "(" argumentlist ")" basictype stars "[" assignexpression "]" declarator <- newexpression ;
 //    "new" "(" argumentlist ")" basictype stars "(" argumentlist ")"                <- newexpression ;
 //    "new" "(" argumentlist ")" basictype stars                                     <- newexpression ;
 //    - <- stars ;
 //    "*" <- stars ;
 //    "*" stars <- stars ;
 .d(1010R)   // comments, errors etc
 // rest of line for a single line comment
   - anything       <- line - ;
   '\n'             <- line ;
   eof              <- line eof ;
 // multi line comments - can be nested
   '/+' acomment '+/' <- acomment - ;
   '/+' acomment '+/' <- bcomment - ;
   '/+' acomment '+/' <- acomment - ;
   '/*' bcomment '*/' <- bcomment - ;
   - anything         <- acomment - ;
   '+/'               <- acomment '+/' ;
   eof                <- acomment '+/' eof ;
   '*/'               <- bcomment '*/' ;
   - anything         <- bcomment - ;
   eof                <- bcomment '*/' eof ;
 // error handling - catch any unrecognised material at top level or in rules 
   - { flagError :F error message } <- eof - ;
   - { repeat skip t }              <- error F 'ERROR\n' message ;
   - err                            <- message - ;
   - anything                   <- skip t;
   '\n'                         <- skip f;
   eof                          <- skip f;
 .d(1000L)   // some lexical rules
   [ \r\n\t]         <- - ;
   '//' line         <- - ;  // remainder of line is comment
   '/+' acomment '+/' <- - ;  // delimited comments with nesting
   '/*' bcomment '*/' <- - ;  // delimited comments with nesting
   '/'    <- - "/"   ;
   '/='   <- - "/="  ;
   '.'    <- - "."   ;
   '..'   <- - ".."  ;
   '...'  <- - "..." ;
   '&'    <- - "&"   ;
   '&='   <- - "&="  ;
   '&&'   <- - "&&"  ;
   '|'    <- - "|"   ;
   '|='   <- - "|="  ;
   '||'   <- - "||"  ;
   '-'    <- - "-"   ;
   '-='   <- - "-="  ;
   '--'   <- - "--"  ;
   '+'    <- - "+"   ;
   '+='   <- - "+="  ;
   '++'   <- - "++"  ;
   '<'    <- - "<"   ;
   '<='   <- - "<="  ;
   '<<'   <- - "<<"  ;
   '<<='  <- - "<<=" ;
   '<>'   <- - "<>"  ;
   '<>='  <- - "<>=" ;
   '>'    <- - ">"   ;
   '>='   <- - ">="  ;
   '>>='  <- - ">>=" ;
   '>>>=' <- - ">>>=";
   '>>'   <- - ">>"  ;
   '>>>'  <- - ">>>" ;
   '!'    <- - "!"   ;
   '!='   <- - "!="  ;
   '!is'  <- - "!is" ;
   '!=='  <- - "!==" ;
   '!<>'  <- - "!<>" ;
   '!<>=' <- - "!<>=";
   '!<'   <- - "!<"  ;
   '!<='  <- - "!<=" ;
   '!>'   <- - "!>"  ;
   '!>='  <- - "!>=" ;
   '('    <- - "("   ;
   ')'    <- - ")"   ;
   '['    <- - "["   ;
   ']'    <- - "]"   ;
   '{'    <- - "{"   ;
   '}'    <- - "}"   ;
   '?'    <- - "?"   ;
   ','    <- - ","   ;
   ';'    <- - ";"   ;
   ':'    <- - ":"   ;
   '$'    <- - "$"   ;
   '='    <- - "="   ;
   '=='   <- - "=="  ;
   '==='  <- - "===" ;
   '*'    <- - "*"   ;
   '*='   <- - "*="  ;
   '%'    <- - "%"   ;
   '%='   <- - "%="  ;
   '^'    <- - "^"   ;
   '^='   <- - "^="  ;
   '~'    <- - "~"   ;
   '~='   <- - "~="  ;
 // symbols: eg A::Sym combines each A to yield a unique symbol
   - identifier                                                <- -   ;
   - word  :W  s t                                             <- - W ;
   '\'' { repeat e1 [^\'] % } '\'' toStr:Str                   <- - squote :{ Str } ;
   '\"' { repeat e2 [^\"] % } '\"' toStr:Str                   <- - dquote :{ Str } ;
   '.'    % decimal   %         dexp   % rtype % type:T        <- - number % ;
   '0'    % znumber   %                          type:T        <- - number % ;
   [1-9]  % { repeat [0-9] % }  dpoint %         type:T        <- - number % ;
 .d(1010R)   // analysis within atoms
   [0-9]       % { repeat [0-9]       % }                      <- decimal   % ;
   -    { repeat [0-9] % }                    dpoint %         <- znumber %  ;
   -    { repeat [0-7] % }                    octal  t itype % <- znumber %  ;
   'b'  % [01] % { repeat [01] % }                     itype % <- znumber %  ;
   [xX] % [0-9a-fA-F] % { repeat [0-9a-fA-F] % } xpoint %       <- znumber %  ;
   -                                                           <- octal   t  ;
   [.8-9]                                                      <- octal   f  ;
   - itype %                                                   <- dpoint  %  ;
   [eE] % expsign % decimal %                          rtype % <- dpoint  %  ;
   '.' % [0-9] % { repeat [0-9] % } dexp %             rtype % <- dpoint  %  ;
   - itype %                                                   <- xpoint  %  ;
   [pP] % expsign % decimal %                          rtype % <- xpoint  %   ;
   '.' % [0-9a-fA-F] % { repeat [0-9a-fA-F] % } xexp % rtype % <- xpoint  %  ;
   -                                                           <- dexp    :{} ;
   [eE] % expsign % decimal %                                  <- dexp    %   ;
   -                                                           <- xexp    :{} ;
   [pP] % expsign % decimal %                                  <- xexp    %   ;
   -                                                           <- expsign :{} ; 
   [-+] %                                                      <- expsign %   ; 
   -      <- rtype :{}   type :"double" ;
   'i'    <- rtype :"i"  type :"idouble" ;
   'I'    <- rtype :"i"  type :"idouble" ;
   'l'    <- rtype :"l"  type :"real" ;
   'L'    <- rtype :"l"  type :"real" ;
   'li'   <- rtype :"li" type :"ireal"  ;
   'Li'   <- rtype :"li" type :"ireal"  ;
   'lI'   <- rtype :"li" type :"ireal"  ;
   'LI'   <- rtype :"li" type :"ireal"  ;
   'f'    <- rtype :"f"  type :"float"  ;
   'F'    <- rtype :"f"  type :"float"  ;
   'fi'   <- rtype :"fi" type :"ifloat"  ;
   'Fi'   <- rtype :"fi" type :"ifloat"  ;
   'fI'   <- rtype :"fi" type :"ifloat"  ;
   'FI'   <- rtype :"fi" type :"ifloat"  ;
   -      <- itype :{}   type :"int"  ;
   'l'    <- itype :"l"  type :"long" ;
   'L'    <- itype :"l"  type :"long" ;
   'u'    <- itype :"u"  type :"ulong";
   'U'    <- itype :"u"  type :"ulong";
   'lu'   <- itype :"lu" type :"ulong";
   'Lu'   <- itype :"lu" type :"ulong";
   'lU'   <- itype :"lu" type :"ulong";
   'LU'   <- itype :"lu" type :"ulong";
   'ul'   <- itype :"lu" type :"ulong";
   'uL'   <- itype :"lu" type :"ulong";
   'Ul'   <- itype :"lu" type :"ulong";
   'UL'   <- itype :"lu" type :"ulong";
   [a-z_A-Z] %  {   { repeat [a-zA-Z_0-9] % } toSym:X }  <- identifier symbol :X ;
   -              <- s t ;
   - [a-zA-Z_0-9] <- s f ;
   -              <- e1 ;
   -              <- e2 ;
   '\"'           <- e1 [^\']: "\""  ;
   '\\a'          <- e1 [^\']: "\\a" ;
   '\\b'          <- e1 [^\']: "\\b" ;
   '\\f'          <- e1 [^\']: "\\f" ;
   '\\n'          <- e1 [^\']: "\\n" ;
   '\\r'          <- e1 [^\']: "\\r" ;
   '\\t'          <- e1 [^\']: "\\t" ;
   '\\v'          <- e1 [^\']: "\\v" ;
   '\\f'          <- e1 [^\']: "\\f" ;
   '\\\\'         <- e1 [^\']: "\\\\";
   '\\\''         <- e1 [^\']: "\\\'";
   '\\\"'         <- e1 [^\']: "\\\"";
   '\\a'          <- e2 [^\"]: "\\a" ;
   '\\b'          <- e2 [^\"]: "\\b" ;
   '\\f'          <- e2 [^\"]: "\\f" ;
   '\\n'          <- e2 [^\"]: "\\n" ;
   '\\r'          <- e2 [^\"]: "\\r" ;
   '\\t'          <- e2 [^\"]: "\\t" ;
   '\\v'          <- e2 [^\"]: "\\v" ;
   '\\f'          <- e2 [^\"]: "\\f" ;
   '\\\\'         <- e2 [^\"]: "\\\\";
   '\\\''         <- e2 [^\"]: "\\\'";
   '\\\"'         <- e2 [^\"]: "\\\"";
   'abstract'     <- word :"abstract" ;
   'alias'        <- word :"alias" ;
   'align'        <- word :"align" ;
   'asm'          <- word :"asm" ;
   'assert'       <- word :"assert" ;
   'auto'         <- word :"auto" ;
   'bit'          <- word :"bit" ;
   'body'         <- word :"body" ;
   'break'        <- word :"break" ;
   'byte'         <- word :"byte" ;
   'case'         <- word :"case" ;
   'cast'         <- word :"cast" ;
   'catch'        <- word :"catch" ;
   'cdouble'      <- word :"cdouble" ;
   'cent'         <- word :"cent" ;
   'cfloat'       <- word :"cfloat" ;
   'char'         <- word :"char" ;
   'class'        <- word :"class" ;
   'const'        <- word :"const" ;
   'continue'     <- word :"continue" ;
   'creal'        <- word :"creal" ;
   'dchar'        <- word :"dchar" ;
   'debug'        <- word :"debug" ;
   'default'      <- word :"default" ;
   'delegate'     <- word :"delegate" ;
   'delete'       <- word :"delete" ;
   'deprecated'   <- word :"deprecated" ;
   'do'           <- word :"do" ;
   'double'       <- word :"double" ;
   'else'         <- word :"else" ;
   'enum'         <- word :"enum" ;
   'export'       <- word :"export" ;
   'extern'       <- word :"extern" ;
   'false'        <- word :"false" ;
   'final'        <- word :"final" ;
   'finally'      <- word :"finally" ;
   'float'        <- word :"float" ;
   'for'          <- word :"for" ;
   'foreach'      <- word :"foreach" ;
   'function'     <- word :"function" ;
   'goto'         <- word :"goto" ;
   'idouble'      <- word :"idouble" ;
   'if'           <- word :"if" ;
   'ifloat'       <- word :"ifloat" ;
   'import'       <- word :"import" ;
   'in'           <- word :"in" ;
   'inout'        <- word :"inout" ;
   'int'          <- word :"int" ;
   'interface'    <- word :"interface" ;
   'invariant'    <- word :"invariant" ;
   'ireal'        <- word :"ireal" ;
   'is'           <- word :"is" ;
   'long'         <- word :"long" ;
   'mixin'        <- word :"mixin" ;
   'module'       <- word :"module" ;
   'new'          <- word :"new" ;
   'null'         <- word :"null";
   'out'          <- word :"out" ;
   'override'     <- word :"override" ;
   'package'      <- word :"package" ;
   'pragma'       <- word :"pragma" ;
   'private'      <- word :"private" ;
   'protected'    <- word :"protected" ;
   'public'       <- word :"public" ;
   'real'         <- word :"real" ;
   'return'       <- word :"return" ;
   'short'        <- word :"short" ;
   'static'       <- word :"static" ;
   'struct'       <- word :"struct" ;
   'super'        <- word :"super" ;
   'switch'       <- word :"switch" ;
   'synchronized' <- word :"synchronized" ;
   'template'     <- word :"template" ;
   'this'         <- word :"this" ;
   'throw'        <- word :"throw" ;
   'true'         <- word :"true" ;
   'try'          <- word :"try" ;
   'typedef'      <- word :"typedef" ;
   'typeid'       <- word :"typeid" ;
   'typeof'       <- word :"typeof" ;
   'ubyte'        <- word :"ubyte" ;
   'ucent'        <- word :"ucent" ;
   'uint'         <- word :"uint" ;
   'ulong'        <- word :"ulong" ;
   'union'        <- word :"union" ;
   'unittest'     <- word :"unittest" ;
   'ushort'       <- word :"ushort" ;
   'version'      <- word :"version" ;
   'void'         <- word :"void" ;
   'volatile'     <- word :"volatile" ;
   'wchar'        <- word :"wchar" ;
   'while'        <- word :"while" ;
   'with'         <- word :"with" ;