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anbncn_each.lmn: this file is (C) Copyright 2006 Peri Hankey (mpah@users.sourceforge.net). This text is published under the terms of the Gnu General Program License, and comes with absolutely no warranty.

S : | abc | aSBc.
cB: Bc.
bB: bb.

   say output               <- eof - ;
   .[ \n]                   <- eof - ;
   - error                  <- eof - ;
   // output
   eot                      <- output;
   - out                    <- output -;
   // error handling
   - line :T                <- error say "n {" T "}\n" eot;
   - repeat .[^\n] %        <- line % ;
   // the heart of the matter
   - an :A :B :C B C ';'    <- eof - say "y {" A B C ";}\n" eot;
   - repeat a :A :B :C      <- an :{ each A } :{ each B } :{ each C };
   'a'                      <- a  :'a' :'b' :'c' ;