anbncn.lmn: this file is (C) Copyright 2006 Peri Hankey ( This text is published under the terms of the Gnu General Program License, and comes with absolutely no warranty.
S : | abc | aSBc.
cB: Bc.
bB: bb.
.anbncn() say out <- eof -; - <- eof - say "no\n" eof; - _S ';' <- eof - say "yes\n" eof;
- <- _S; // null case 'a' _b 'c' <- _S; // as standard rules, with non-terminal for 'b' 'a' _S _B 'c' <- _S; // as standard rules
_B 'c' <- 'c' _B; // as standard rules 'b' _b <- _b _B; // as standard rules, with non-terminal for 'b'
'b' <- _b; // allow 'b' as _b