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home using the external call interface

Here is yet another version of the infix calculator, modified to demonstrate builtin functions that produce formatted text and information for use in diagnostics. It also makes calls on two external procedures whatabout and thisabout.

home a ruleset

First, the source code - calc.lmn:

   '?' expr :N '=' whatabout("this", "that", N);   <- eof - ;
 '!' expr :N '=' thisabout("baff", "biff", N);   <- eof -
   "variable name: "                                             "N"           nl
   "variable value: "                                             N            nl
   "originating state index: "                                    $(varSi (N)) nl
   "grammar of originating context: "                             $(varGsy(N)) nl
   "L symbol in mismatch that started the originating context: "  $(varLsy(N)) nl
   "R symbol in mismatch that started the originating context: "  $(varRsy(N)) nl
   "name of input file or source object: "                        $(varIfn(N)) nl
   "absolute input position: "                                    $(varCp (N)) nl
   "line number: "                                                $(varLn (N)) nl
   "character position in line: "                                 $(varCn (N)) nl
   '@' expr :N '=' thisabout("waff", "wiff", N);   <- eof -
   $(format("%60s: %20s", "variable name"                                              ,"N"       )) nl
   $(format("%60s: %20s", "variable value"                                             , N        )) nl
   $(format("%60s: %20s", "originating state index"                                    , varSi (N))) nl
   $(format("%60s: %20s", "grammar of originating context"                             , varGsy(N))) nl
   $(format("%60s: %20s", "L symbol in mismatch that started the originating context"  , varLsy(N))) nl
   $(format("%60s: %20s", "R symbol in mismatch that started the originating context"  , varRsy(N))) nl
   $(format("%60s: %20s", "name of input file or source object"                        , varIfn(N))) nl
   $(format("%60s: %20s", "absolute input position"                                    , varCp (N))) nl
   $(format("%60s: %20s", "line number"                                                , varLn (N))) nl
   $(format("%60s: %20s", "character position in line"                                 , varCn (N))) nl
   $(format("%60s: %20s %s", "you can use any number of arguments" , varCn (N), "(like this)")) nl
   '#' expr :N '=' thisabout("waff", "wiff", N);   <- eof - ;
   't' expr :N ';' trOn (N);           <- eof - ;
   'z' expr :N ';' trOff(N);           <- eof - ;
   - anything                          <- line - ;
   eof                                 <- line eof;
   '\n'                                <- line   ;
   '\n'                                <- eof - ;
   say output                          <- eof - ;
   - line  var  Z; <- eof - say "error: " $(format("line %s char %s", varLn(N), varCn(N))) nl output;
   -  expr :N '=';                     <- eof - say "the answer is " N nl output;
   - out                               <- output - ;
   nl                                  <- output - '\n' ;
  '(' expr :N ')'                      <- opnd:N ;
   - opnd :A op                        <- expr - ;
   -                                   <- op expr:A;
   '+' expr :B                         <- op opnd:(A + B);
   '-' expr :B                         <- op opnd:(A - B);
   '*' expr :B                         <- op opnd:(A * B);
   '/' expr :B                         <- op opnd:(A / B);
   '-' opnd :A                         <- opnd:(- A);
   ' '                                                                                     <- -      ;
   '0'                % { repeat .[0-7]       % } octal yes                       toOct :N <- opnd :N;
   [0-9]              % { repeat .[0-9]       % } { option '.' % repeat [0-9] % } toNum :N <- opnd :N;
   '0x'  .[0-9a-zA-Z] % { repeat .[0-9a-zA-Z] % } { option '.' % repeat [0-9] % } toHex :N <- opnd :N;
   '0b'  .[01]        % { repeat .[01]        % }                                 toBin :N <- opnd :N;
   -                                   <- octal yes;
   '.'                                 <- octal no ;
   'x'                                 <- octal no ;
   'b'                                 <- octal no ;

home a main program in D

Next, the versions of the main program, including the external procedures that are to be invoked when the rules are applied. This is calcMaind.d, the main program in the D language:

 import lm.lmd;
 import lm.licenseGnuGPLv2;
 extern (C) mode lmdInit(inout stream s);
 int main(char[][]args) {
   writefln("hello from calcMaind");
   application a = new application(args, &lmdInit);
   int result = a.start();
   return result;
 extern (C) element whatabout(inout stream s, element x, element y, element z) {
   writefln("--- whatabout %10s %10s %10s %8s", x, y, z, z.toVal());
   var v = z.toVar();
   if(v) {
     state sta = v.vvc.st;  
     writefln("%60s: %20s", "variable name"                                               , z);
     writefln("%60s: %20s", "variable value"                                              , z.toVal());
     writefln("%60s: %20s", "originating state index"                                     , sta.si);
     writefln("%60s: %20s", "grammar of originating context"                              , sta.gr.sy);
     writefln("%60s: %20s", "L symbol in mismatch that started the originating context"   , sta.lsy);
     writefln("%60s: %20s", "R symbol in mismatch that started the originating context"   , sta.rsy);
     writefln("%60s: %20s", "name of input file or source object"             , sta.input.filename);
     writefln("%60s: %20s", "absolute input position"                                     , sta.cp);
     writefln("%60s: %20s", "line number"                                                 , sta.ln);
     writefln("%60s: %20s", "character position in line"                                  , sta.cn);
   return null;
 extern (C) element thisabout(inout stream s, element x, element y, element z) {
   writefln("--- thisabout %10s %10s %10s %8s", x, y, z, z.toVal());
   return null;

home a main program in C

Here is the equivalent main program in the C language - calcMainc.c:

 // C main calling C compiled rule set using lmcMain to process args
 #include <lm/lmc.h>
 #include <lm/licenseGnuGPLv2.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
 int lmcMain(int argc, char ** argv);
 int main(int argc, char ** argv)
     printf("hello from calcMainc\n");
     int result = lmcMain(argc, argv);
     return result;
 element whatabout(stream s, element x, element y, element z) {
   printf("--- whatabout %10s %10s %10s %8g\n", toCstring(s, x), toCstring(s, y), toCstring(s, z), toNum(s, toVal(s, z)));
   var v = toVar(s, z);
   if(v) {
     printf("%60s: %20s\n", "variable name", toCstring(s, z));
     printf("%60s: %20g\n", "variable value", toNum(s, toVal(s, z)));
     printf("%60s: %20g\n", "originating state index", toNum(s, varSi (s, v)));
     printf("%60s: %20s\n", "grammar of originating context", toCstring(s, varGsy (s, v)));
     printf("%60s: %20s\n", "L symbol in mismatch that started the originating context", toCstring(s, varLsy(s, v)));
     printf("%60s: %20s\n", "R symbol in mismatch that started the originating context", toCstring(s, varRsy(s, v)));
     printf("%60s: %20s\n", "name of input file or source object", toCstring(s, varIfn(s, v)));
     printf("%60s: %20g\n", "absolute input position", toNum(s, varCp (s, v)));
     printf("%60s: %20g\n", "line number", toNum(s, varLn (s, v)));
     printf("%60s: %20g\n", "character position in line", toNum(s, varCn (s, v)));
   return null;
 element thisabout(stream s, element x, element y, element z) {
   printf("--- thisabout %10s %10s %10s %8g\n", toCstring(s, x), toCstring(s, y), toCstring(s, z), toNum(s, toVal(s, z)));
   return null;

home compile the D and C versions

Make two different programs calc.gdc and calc.gcc from the same calc.lmn source, one wrapped as as a D program, the other as a C program:

 peri@p2 examples]$ make calc.gdc calc.gcc
 lmn2d -o  calc.d calc.lmn
 /opt/gdc/bin/gdc -o calc.gdc -I/usr/include -finline-functions -O3 calcMaind.d calc.d -ldl /usr/lib/liblm -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/
 lmn2c -o  calc.c calc.lmn
 gcc -c calc.c -o calcc.o
 gcc -c calcMainc.c -o calcMainc.o
 gcc -o calc.gcc  calcc.o calcMainc.o  -ldl /usr/lib/liblm -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/ -L/opt/gdc/lib/ -lgphobos -lm -lpthread -lc
 [peri@p2 examples]$

home some input

Here is some input that was prepared earlier:

 [peri@p2 examples]$ cat calc.input
 ?1=  ?2=
 ?1+1=  ?3*(10-3)=
 !1=  !2=
 !1+1=  !3*(10-3)=

home compare results

Finally, apply the two programs to the same input and compare the results:

 [peri@p2 examples]$ ./calc.gdc   calc.input >d.out
 [peri@p2 examples]$ ./calc.gcc   calc.input >c.out
 [peri@p2 examples]$ diff d.out c.out
 < hello from calcMaind
 > hello from calcMainc

home results from D version

The output produced from calc.gdc (the D language version) was:

 [peri@p2 examples]$ cat d.out
 hello from calcMaind
 the answer is 1
 the answer is 2
 the answer is 2
 the answer is 10
 the answer is 16
 the answer is 2
 the answer is 10.5
 the answer is 16.5
 --- whatabout       this       that          N        1
                                               variable name:                    N
                                              variable value:                    1
                                     originating state index:                   88
                              grammar of originating context:                 calc
   L symbol in mismatch that started the originating context:                  eof
   R symbol in mismatch that started the originating context:                    ?
                         name of input file or source object:           calc.input
                                     absolute input position:                   44
                                                 line number:                    9
                                  character position in line:                    1
 --- whatabout       this       that          N        2
                                               variable name:                    N
                                              variable value:                    2
                                     originating state index:                   94
                              grammar of originating context:                 calc
   L symbol in mismatch that started the originating context:                  eof
   R symbol in mismatch that started the originating context:                    ?
                         name of input file or source object:           calc.input
                                     absolute input position:                   49
                                                 line number:                    9
                                  character position in line:                    6
 --- whatabout       this       that          N        2
                                               variable name:                    N
                                              variable value:                    2
                                     originating state index:                   99
                              grammar of originating context:                 calc
   L symbol in mismatch that started the originating context:                  eof
   R symbol in mismatch that started the originating context:                    ?
                         name of input file or source object:           calc.input
                                     absolute input position:                   53
                                                 line number:                   10
                                  character position in line:                    1
 --- whatabout       this       that          N       21
                                               variable name:                    N
                                              variable value:                   21
                                     originating state index:                  110
                              grammar of originating context:                 calc
   L symbol in mismatch that started the originating context:                  eof
   R symbol in mismatch that started the originating context:                    ?
                         name of input file or source object:           calc.input
                                     absolute input position:                   60
                                                 line number:                   10
                                  character position in line:                    8
 --- thisabout       baff       biff          N        1
 variable name: N
 variable value: 1
 originating state index: 128
 grammar of originating context: calc
 L symbol in mismatch that started the originating context: eof
 R symbol in mismatch that started the originating context: !
 name of input file or source object: calc.input
 absolute input position: 71
 line number: 11
 character position in line: 1
 --- thisabout       baff       biff          N        2
 variable name: N
 variable value: 2
 originating state index: 175
 grammar of originating context: calc
 L symbol in mismatch that started the originating context: eof
 R symbol in mismatch that started the originating context: !
 name of input file or source object: calc.input
 absolute input position: 76
 line number: 11
 character position in line: 6
 --- thisabout       baff       biff          N        2
 variable name: N
 variable value: 2
 originating state index: 221
 grammar of originating context: calc
 L symbol in mismatch that started the originating context: eof
 R symbol in mismatch that started the originating context: !
 name of input file or source object: calc.input
 absolute input position: 80
 line number: 12
 character position in line: 1
 --- thisabout       baff       biff          N       21
 variable name: N
 variable value: 21
 originating state index: 273
 grammar of originating context: calc
 L symbol in mismatch that started the originating context: eof
 R symbol in mismatch that started the originating context: !
 name of input file or source object: calc.input
 absolute input position: 87
 line number: 12
 character position in line: 8
 --- thisabout       waff       wiff          N        1
                                               variable name:                    N
                                              variable value:                    1
                                     originating state index:                  332
                              grammar of originating context:                 calc
   L symbol in mismatch that started the originating context:                  eof
   R symbol in mismatch that started the originating context:                    @
                         name of input file or source object:           calc.input
                                     absolute input position:                   98
                                                 line number:                   13
                                  character position in line:                    1
                         you can use any number of arguments:                    1 (like this)
 --- thisabout       waff       wiff          N        2
                                               variable name:                    N
                                              variable value:                    2
                                     originating state index:                  373
                              grammar of originating context:                 calc
   L symbol in mismatch that started the originating context:                  eof
   R symbol in mismatch that started the originating context:                    @
                         name of input file or source object:           calc.input
                                     absolute input position:                  104
                                                 line number:                   14
                                  character position in line:                    1
                         you can use any number of arguments:                    1 (like this)
 --- thisabout       waff       wiff          N        2
                                               variable name:                    N
                                              variable value:                    2
                                     originating state index:                  412
                              grammar of originating context:                 calc
   L symbol in mismatch that started the originating context:                  eof
   R symbol in mismatch that started the originating context:                    @
                         name of input file or source object:           calc.input
                                     absolute input position:                  108
                                                 line number:                   15
                                  character position in line:                    1
                         you can use any number of arguments:                    1 (like this)
 --- thisabout       waff       wiff          N       21
                                               variable name:                    N
                                              variable value:                   21
                                     originating state index:                  456
                              grammar of originating context:                 calc
   L symbol in mismatch that started the originating context:                  eof
   R symbol in mismatch that started the originating context:                    @
                         name of input file or source object:           calc.input
                                     absolute input position:                  114
                                                 line number:                   16
                                  character position in line:                    1
                         you can use any number of arguments:                    1 (like this)